Bohdan Koleiko

<Front-end Developer>

from Kyiv, Ukraine


my photo

I’m a Front-end developer with a year of experience in developing and with 5+ years of experience as a system administrator. While I was working as a developer I had experience with different technologies, like Storybook, Tailwind CSS, WordPress, Slider js, JavaScript etc. I managed to take part in the creation of 4 websites of different complexity that you can see on my LinkedIn.

As a person for whom product quality is important, I'd like to create those products and because of that I chose front-end development. I’m passionate about web development a lot and want to continue increasing further in this way.

years in IT
finished projects
English level


JS icon
React icon
HTML icon
CSS icon
Bootstrap icon
Tailwind CSS icon
Tailwind CSS
Storybook icon
Git icon
Github icon
git flow icon
Git Flow
Gulp icon
Webpack icon
BEM icon
JSON icon
DNS icon
API icon
figma icon


Sertificate of completed English course of the Pre-Intermediate level

The Certificate of completion of a General English Pre-Intermediate B1.1 course.

Sertificate of completed Python course

The Certificate of completion of a Python Advanced course.

Sertificate of Web developer course

The Certificate of completion of a Web developer course.


showing how website looks on a laptop like
showing how website looks on a phone like

Landing page with animated rows and with no JS. Tech stack: HTML, CSS.

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showing how website looks on a laptop like
showing how website looks on a phone like

Website is about constructions for factories. The webpage is a page of certaine product with possible of customization. Tech stack: HTML, CSS, JS, Swiper.js.

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showing how website looks on a laptop like
showing how website looks on a phone like

This website is about renting car, it's fully responsive and adaptive. Tech stack: HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS, Bootstrap.

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showing how website looks on a laptop like
showing how website looks on a phone like

This is my first website I made outside of a course. The Website made with HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS.

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showing how website looks on a laptop like
showing how website looks on a phone like

This website made on a Udemy course (link on course). This is a landing page made with HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS, Bootstrap. In adition were used jastValidate, jQuery, wow and inputMask.

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showing how website looks on a laptop like
showing how website looks on a phone like

This website made on a Udemy course (link on course). This is a landing page made with HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS and Bootstrap.

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